JOALI BEING is proud to partner with the Olive Ridley Project (ORP) to protect sea turtles in Raa Atoll. Launched in 2021, our ongoing collaboration includes research, educational outreach for guests and locals, and a dedicated turtle rehabilitation centre on the island.


With sustainability and conservation at its core, JOALI BEING has created several initiatives and partnerships aimed at preserving the natural marine habitats of the Maldives. The crystalline waters of the archipelago are home to five species of sea turtles as well as an astonishing variety of other marine creatures.


Raa Atoll Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Centre

Located at JOALI BEING, the new rehabilitation centre is dedicated to caring for sick and injured turtles. Serving as a step-down facility for ORP’s Marine Turtle Rescue Centre in Baa Atoll, our facility focuses on rehabilitating long-term patients, led by our resident Sea Turtle Biologist. Once fully recovered, the turtles are released back into the wild.


Guests at our wellbeing island can visit the centre to learn about in-house patients and contribute to turtle conservation by symbolically adopting a sea turtle. We also welcome Raa Atoll residents for educational visits to raise community awareness


Our Rescued Turtle

Kurangi, a young Olive Ridley turtle, has become the first patient at our new rehabilitation centre. Kurangi was found entangled in a ghost net and had to have her left flipper amputated due to severe injuries.


Following six months of specialised care from ORP’s veterinary team, Kurangi has made a remarkable recovery. She still struggles with buoyancy disorder and is currently undergoing crucial rehabilitation at JOALI BEING.


Rehabilitating Turtles

Patients rescued by ORP are mostly treated for complications caused by entanglements in marine debris, called ‘ghost nets’. These devastating injuries can leave turtles weak and debilitated, which is why proper rehabilitation is so important. The rehabilitation centre at JOALI BEING works with patients to restore their health, so they can survive and thrive when released back into the ocean.



Founded in 2013, the Olive Ridley Project (ORP) is a charity dedicated to protecting sea turtles from the numerous threats they face in their natural habitat.


The partnership with JOALI BEING allows ORP to expand their reach, educate a wider audience, and provide even better care for injured turtles. Our collaborative efforts significantly increase the chances of sea turtle populations thriving in the Maldives.