Coral Enigma: A Journey Under the Waves

Today, we invite you on a voyage to explore the secret life of corals…


Dive into a world teeming with life and colour, hidden in the blue-green splendour of the Maldives. This is the natural home of corals, the tiny yet mighty architects of the ocean.

Hidden depths


Looking at corals, you might think they are plants or even rock formations. In reality, corals are made up of thousands of tiny animals called polyps. Together, these miniature creatures form huge reefs that can even be seen from outer space!

Did you know corals are close cousins to jellyfish? If you peep under the cloak of night, you will see coral polyps using their jellyfish-like tentacles to catch microscopic food from the water. Corals meet a part of their nutritional needs through these nightly feasts.

Most of their nutrition, however, comes from a type of algae that lives within their tissue. These algae create energy for corals, who use it to slowly build their calcium carbonate skeleton. Take a moment to marvel at this subtle, delicate process…isn’t nature incredible?

Corals also get them mesmerising colours thanks to these algae, which paint their hosts in shades of green, brown, blue and purple.



Unsung heroes


Corals are famously beautiful. But did you know they also form the backbone of our planet’s marine biodiversity? Known as the “rainforests of the ocean”, coral reefs provide shelter and sustenance for 25 percent of all marine species.

They are also the hidden guardians of our coastlines and low-lying islands. Look how they shield us from the impact of waves!

In places like the Maldives, coral reefs play a key role in local economies. Marine life flourishes around healthy corals, which in turn supports fisheries and tourism.



Corals under threat


Corals do so much for our world — yet their own welfare is at risk.

We have seen a dramatic rise in ocean temperatures, especially this year, putting immense stress on corals. The heat causes corals to expel their algae, robbing them of their beautiful colours — a process known as bleaching.

It is worth noting that corals can recover from bleaching if the temperature decreases. But if it stays too warm for too long, they cannot survive…

Our precious coral ecosystems also face other dangers, like unsustainable fishing, ocean pollution, and harmful tourist practices like standing on reefs or using sunscreens with harsh chemicals.



A ray of hope


What can we do to turn the tide? Here at JOALI, we give you a reason to be hopeful.

Initiatives like the JOALI Reef Restoration Programme (JRRP) are working tirelessly to preserve coral reefs. All around our island, you will find “fragments of hope” — tiny corals planted in our own nurseries. Once these corals mature, we outplant them onto our house reef to help it regenerate.



Get involved


Become a coral champion! You can join the effort to protect corals reefs in different ways:

  • Adopt coral-friendly practices: Choose reef-safe sunscreens, consume sustainable seafood, and dive and snorkel responsibly.
  • Support coral restoration: Support projects for coral preservation, such as the JRRP. Contribute through donations, sponsorships or volunteering.
  • Become an ocean advocate: Educate yourself and others about the importance of corals and the impacts of climate change. Awareness is the first step towards action.



Coral experiences at JOALI Maldives


We invite you to awaken your passion for coral conservation.

Come, discover the wonder beneath the waves with JOALI’s curated activities — snorkelling and diving excursions, coral-planting sessions, learning workshops and art celebrations.

Interacting closely with corals is a life-changing experience. Let their intricate beauty and ecological importance remind you of the interconnectedness of all life.

Get inspired, get empowered!