Joy of Living at Home - Tips for a Healthy Family

11 May 2020

Healthy families share unique characteristics that will strengthen their bond through-out time. What is more, healthy family relationships will be a continuous source of joy, encouragement, and empathy for the entire family. A loving and warm family means true happiness and stability. And also ensures its members will always have a sense of belonging. So, here are our tips for a healthy family!


No-Phone Zone during Family Mealtime.
Ask your child for opinions and input. Encourage conversation and self-expression. Share your values with your child. Be a consistent and stabilising presence in your child’s life.


Cook together.
This is another way to get kids interested in healthy foods. While you’re whipping up dinner with your children you are encouraging healthy eating habits.


Have routines.
Kids thrive when they know what to expect. So, bedtime routines that involve bath, stories, and songs before sleep can minimize nighttime misbehaviour.
Encourage your child to value his body for what it can do, rather than how it looks.
Try not to draw too much attention to your child’s weight, even if you’re worried about it. A healthy body image is especially important for teenagers, who might be thinking a lot about how their body looks.


Appreciate each other.
Find little ways to show how much you value each other.


Remember sorry isn’t enough.
When one of your children hurts the feelings of a sibling, it’s not enough to apologize. That child must also find a way to help heal the hurt she has caused, by helping with a chore or sharing a toy.


Reward good behaviour.
It’s important to reinforce your child’s good behaviour.


Set a good example
Parents who have a healthy diet and are physically active are much more likely to encourage the same habits in their children. Keep in mind the power of modelling – your child learns mostly from what you do yourself, not from what you tell her to do. Practice what you preach!


Create cuddle time.
You can’t overdose on hugs. It’s important for families to spend time snuggling in bed together, reading, or talking or playing games. This kind of positive touch helps kids feel loved and secure, plus it’s fun for parents!